Listen to the album Lineas Del Estado by El Aguila Y Su Escolta Norteña in high quality online. The release of the Lineas Del Estado was presented by the following tracks: Linea Del Estado, Niña Enamorada, Virtudes, La Cumbia Así Se Baila, Una Historia Inolvidable, La Guayabita, Dos Monedas, El Carretonero, Cumbia Serrana, Pobre Viejo. Nov 23, 2021 - the official release of the album, after which anyone could buy it. Música Mexicana music genre. iSong4U offers all audio tracks in the best quality and format. WAV, AIFF, AAC, OGG, WMA, ALAC are currently available. The total number of musical compositions included in the release of El Aguila Y Su Escolta Norteña is 10.