Listen free to all tracks from the album It's Over by Ozanothando in good quality online. All presented audio tracks in WAV, AIFF, AAC, OGG, WMA, ALAC format are available on the iSong4U website. The release of the It's Over included the most popular tracks such as Seven Phezulu, Sanibonani, Imkhuba Ka Uber, Inhlanhla, Choose Mayikhethele (feat. Ithwas'elihle), Lapho Ukhona, U-Online, Iso Ngeso, It's Over, Ujolelani (feat. Ijong'elihle), Halala, Ungalelani. 12 musical compositions were included in the release of Ozanothando. The modern version of the album was recorded in the Dance genre and was first announced on Aug 04, 2022.