All tracks from the album 古筝国风养生曲静心安神采耳按摩瑜伽放松音乐清净品茗之音 by 养生音乐盒 are available to listen online for free. 7 musical compositions were included in the final version of the release of 养生音乐盒. The genre of the tracks is predominantly Easy Listening, the release date, after which sales began - Jul 21, 2022. The current release of the 古筝国风养生曲静心安神采耳按摩瑜伽放松音乐清净品茗之音 includes the following tracks: 南方之美 (减压助眠古筝曲), 水声之处 (养生放松古筝曲), 天空遨游 (静心打坐古筝曲), 天朗气清 (感受内心古筝曲), 小河悠悠 (清心古筝曲), 远方的山丘 (茶艺闻香古筝曲), 竹林深处 (意境氛围古筝曲). List of available formats: WMA, AIFF, AAC, WAV, OGG, ALAC. All audio tracks are presented for free on the iSong4U website.