Looking for tracks from the album DJ CAMPURAN FULL ALBUM - EP? You can listen online to all tracks by Nana Fvnky. The album recorded in the Electronic genre was released for retail sale on Oct 01, 2022. 4 fan-favorite tracks have been included in Nana Fvnky current release. Many of the tracks DJ SIPAK NANDO NANDO X GUE MAH GITU ORANGNYA, DJ MAMBOTU X GORENG GORENG, DJ TELOLET X MAYMUNAH, DJ UNTUK PENGISI HATIKU JEDAG JEDUG FULL BASS on the release of the DJ CAMPURAN FULL ALBUM - EP received great popularity on the radio and on the Internet. WMA, AIFF, AAC, WAV, OGG, ALAC - list of available high quality audio track formats on the iSong4U website.